
Ibet most of you have come across this innovative tech called neuralink. If you haven’t, it is essentially a chip that links directly to your brain through a small surgery. This kinda scary piece of tech is the brainchild of our favorite controversial genius, Elon Musk. Personally, I’m more inclined to get this than getting any Covid vaccine being developed (Assuming I could afford the 20 million USD piece of tech). Something about 2020 has made my trust levels in a good number of authorities (both local and international) to plumet.

Anyway, while neuralink is still in development, it holds a lot of promise in a variety of fields. The first of which is education. Just hear me out on this. Humanity advances really fast in a variety of fields but our education has stagnated quite a bit. What do I mean by this? Formal education has barely advanced in terms of adjusting to the times. Our textbooks remain outdated while the teaching methodologies remain identical to the age before the spread and advancements made in most fields. The biggest of which is the internet. Can you imagine implanting a neuralink with both virtual and augmented reality capabilities to a learner in a field such as engineering and applied physics? This could bring a whole new meaning to ‘experience is the best teacher’.

Can you imagine a world in which the internet acts as what is essentially a secondary brain? This piece of technology (assuming it can be personalized to fit individual personalities and brain chemistry) could be the key to creating a hyper intelligent race of humans operating at higher levels of thinking. Especially when linked with other upcoming technologies such as quantum computing. On the flip side however, we could end up with a bunch of Lex Luthors bent on ruling or destroying all life on earth. Which side would you be inclined towards? Advancement of the human race as a superspecies, or going all villain on us (Not that you’d get to far though)?

However, just as the internet has linked people all around the world on demand, it is also entirely possible that neuralink will link us at a mental level which is both scary and exciting at the same time. Scary in the sense that the concept of privacy will get even more blurry as your very mind may be accessible. Can you imagine hotspotting your brain to someone else? Crazy right? Your deepest and darkest secrets could become readily available on the brain network through a cleverly targeted brain hack because why not? Electric signals in your brain are how you will communicate with the tech anyway.

Although, the prospect does also hold some promise when looking at stuff like building trust, strong relationships, knowledge and ideals sharing as well as problem solving. That is once you’re able to filter out all the information that is stored in individual minds. If you really think about it, should this tech become as readily available as mobile phones while being just as easy to use and linked to various aspects of our lives, our world is likely to change whether we like it or not.

Overthinkers such as myself would probably sink deeper into the pit that is our minds. It is after all responsible for me thinking up all these crazy applications of something that is still in development. My geeky side is however giddy with excitement over the prospect of having all that information be so easy to access.